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Editorial Work
Chaves, Rui and Fernando Iazzetta. Eds. 2019 (forthcoming). “Making It Heard: A History of Brazilian Sound Art”. Bloomsbury Academic.
Chaves, Rui, Campesato, Lilian and Fernando Iazzetta. Eds. 2017. “Issue 6: Out of Phase. Interference” – A Jounal of Audio Culture.
Chaves, Rui, Lilian Campesato, and Fernando Iazzetta. Eds. 2017. Sonologia 2016 – out of Phase Proceedings of the International Conference on Sound Studies.
Academic Publications
Chaves, Rui and Fernando Iazzetta. 2019 (forthcoming). “Introduction”. In Making It Heard: A History of Brazilian Sound Art. Bloomsbury Academic.
Chaves, Rui and Fernando Iazzetta. 2019 (forthcoming). “Making It Heard: Un Posible Archivo de Arte Sonoro Brasileño.” In Simposio Internacional de Arte Sonoro “Mundos Sonoros: Cruces, Circulaciones, Experiencias.” Untref.
Chaves, Rui, Campesato, Lilian and, Fernando Iazzetta. 2017. “Editorial: Out of Phase”. In Issue 6: Out of Phase. Interference – A Jounal of Audio Culture.
Chaves, Rui, Nakahodo, Lilian, and, Paulo Dantas. 2016 “Field Recording: Presença, Lugar e Processo no Trabalho de Lilian Nakao Nakahodo e Paulo Dantas”. In Viver Sua Música. São Paulo, pp.251-263.
Hickmann, Felipe, and, Rui Chaves. 2014. “A Window in Between: Mediation Strategies in Networked Sonic Arts.” Interference: A Journal of Audio Cultures.
Chaves, Rui, and, Pedro Rebelo. 2012 “Evocative Listening: Mediated Practices in Everyday Life,” Organised Sound 17, no. 03: 216–22.
Hickmann, Felipe, and, Rui Chaves. 2012. “Paulista: A Networked Translocal Sonic Performance between São Paulo and Belfast.” Technoetic Arts 10 (2): 319–27.
Chaves, Rui and, Pedro Rebelo. 2011 “Sensing Shared Places: Designing a mobile audio streaming environment”. Body, Space, Technology, 10(1).
Chaves, Rui. 2010. “Sound Walking : Engaging with Everyday Space.” In Sounding Out 5 proceedings. Bournemouth University.

Other Publication(s)
Caccuri, Vivian. 2018. “Vivian Caccuri #1”. Interview by Rui Chaves.
Michelis, Vanessa. 2018. “Vanessa de Michelis#1”. Interview by Rui Chaves.
Armani, Marcelo. 2018. “A paisagem sonora é um museu a céu aberto e não tem como confinar em quatro paredes e botar num acervo”. Interview by Rui Chaves.
Pontogor, Pontogor. 2018. “Pontogor#2”. Interview by Rui Chaves.
Scarassatti, Marco. 2016. “Fishing for underground sounds”. Interview by Thaís Aragão. Translated by Rui Chaves.
Chaves, Rui and Tiago Costa. 2016. “Curatorial Dispatches from the Nendu Archives: The Journals of Rui Chaves and Tiago Costa.” Sounding Out! (blog).
Chaves, Rui and Tiago Costa. 2016. “UM FIM-DE-SEMANA EM TIETÊ E CERQUILHO.” Linda (blog).